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  • Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast Receiver
11. 7. 2013

Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast Receiver


Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast Receiver

Professional higher education program:

Electrical engineering




Tomaž Ožir


assis. prof. dr. Boštjan Vlaovič


Thesis presents a standalone ADS-B Receiver, as a module for the Nanoboard 3000 FPGA development platform. ADS-B is a radar technology, which enables gathering information about aircraft traffic.
The hardware implementation includes techniques for transmission line design and basic calculations for a high frequency receiver. Low-cost and small printed circuit board footprint was a priority. Decoding is implemented in an FPGA, therefore VHDL was chosen as primary language. Most of the software is written in VHDL. Some of Altium's predefined graphic building blocks are also used.