• Projects
  • Simulation of Radio Coverage with Radio Mobile tool
21. 12. 2011

Simulation of Radio Coverage with Radio Mobile tool


Simulation of Radio Coverage with Radio Mobile tool

Professional higher education program:

Electrical engineering




Marko Orthaber


assis. prof. dr. Boštjan Vlaovič


The thesis deals with the functioning and structure of wireless system Air, programme tool Radio Mobile and basic functions which are necessary for understanding functioning of simulator. We developed simulation which simulates transmitting tower with the base station and users. We compared the results of simulations and measurements from terrain and estimated how big are deviations. The purpose of this thesis is to establish whether The Radio Mobile tool is suitable for use, taking into account the deviation of simulator results from measurements. If it proved as positive solution, it would mean that we cam perform terrain measurements on smaller extemt and cam apply the results, witch are relevant enough.


Slika 2.5

Prikaz prenosnih smeri

Slika 3.1

Zgradba omrežja v RM


Članstva v omrežju

Slika 3.5

Ojačenje glave

Slika 3.6

Prikazovanik sevalnih diagramov anten

Slika 3.9

Lokacije enot

Slika 4.1

Blok shema simulacije


Blok shema meritve na terenu

Slika 4.10

Merilno mesto na terenu

Slika 4.11

Spekter na Promaxu