24. 3. 2012  |  3005 Views  |   Trackback link  |  0 Comments

Tags: vzgoja, otroci, smeti
14. 10. 2011  |  1760 Views  |   Trackback link  |  0 Comments
6. 10. 2011  |  1983 Views  |   Trackback link  |  0 Comments

Firefox - certificate problems


Some versions of Firefox report that issuer of the certificate can not be trusted. If you inspect the certificate everything seems OK. All other browsers does not report problems.


Certificate file has to be in DOS format. Pretty unbelievable. You can use unix2dos to convert the certificate.

Tags: certificate authority issuer trusted unknown
21. 9. 2011  |  1813 Views  |   Trackback link  |  0 Comments

Univerza in zlata kokoš

Ravnokar sem prebral prispevek "Gorenjci hočejo svojo univerzo" in se iskreno začudil. Mar nas poplava gimnazij in vseh ostalih izobraževalnih inštitucij ter posledični rezultati na trgu dela niso nič naučili?

Mar res ne vidimo, da kvaliteta izobraževanja v Sloveniji pada? Zaradi poplave administrativno predimenzioniranih programov država ni...

6. 9. 2011  |  2258 Views  |   Trackback link  |  0 Comments

Albert Einstein

"A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?" "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." "Common sense is...
« February 1975»
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