Aleksander Vreze:


On this page are listed selected bibliography items. Most of the papers available from this document appear in print, and the corresponding copyright is held by the publisher. While the papers can be used for personal use, redistribution or reprinting for commercial purposes is prohibited. Visit COBISS database for the complete list of bibliography items.

  • Tim Kovše, Boštjan Vlaovič, Aleksander Vreže, Zmago Brezočnik, "Eclipse plug-in for spin and st2msc tools-tool presentation", Lect. notes comput. sci., vol. 5578, pages 143-147, 2009. [COBISS.SI-ID 13289750, bibtex, pdf].
  • Aleksander Vreže, Boštjan Vlaovič, Zmago Brezočnik, "Sdl2pml - tool for automated generation of Promela model from SDL specification",Comput. stand. interfaces, vol. 31, iss. 4, str. 779-786, June 2009, doi: 10.1016/j.csi.2008.09.005. [COBISS.SI-ID 13208086, bibtex, pdf]
  • Tim Kovše, Boštjan Vlaovič, Aleksander Vreže in Zmago Brezočnik, "Spin Trail to Message Sequence Chart Conversion Tool". The 10th International Conference on Telecomunications, 2009, Zagreb, Croatia. [COBISS.SI-ID 11273750, bibtex, pdf].
  • Boštjan Vlaovič, Aleksander Vreže, Zmago Brezočnik, Tatjana Kapus, "Automated Generation of Promela Model from SDL Specification", Computer Standards & Interfaces, 2007, iss. 4, vol. 29, pages 449-461. [COBISS.SI-ID 11273750, bibtex, pdf].
  • Aleksander Vreže. "Razširitev avtomatskega modeliranja SDL-specifikacij v Promeli z vključevanjem gradnikov v jeziku C in novim modelom diskretnega časa": PhD disertation, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Maribor: 2006,  [COBISS.SI-ID 10439702, bibtex, pdf]
  • Boštjan Vlaovič, Aleksander Vreže, Zmago Brezočnik, Tatjana Kapus, "Toward automatic generation of Promela models from SDL specification", 8th International Conference on Telecommunications, Zagreb, Croatia, 2005. [COBISS.SI-ID 9627414, bibtex, pdf].
  • Aleksander Vreže, Boštjan Vlaovič, Zmago Brezočnik, Tatjana Kapus, "Development of MGCP protocol stack for SI2000 digital switch node", Electrotechnical Review, 2005. [COBISS.SI-ID 9559574, bibtex, pdf].
  • Boštjan Vlaovič, Aleksander Vreže, Zmago Brezočnik, Tatjana Kapus, "Verification of an SDL specification - a case study", Electrotechnical Review, 2005. [COBISS.SI-ID 9559062, bibtex, pdf].