Trenutno so objave filtrirane z: 1. 3. 2011
Prikaži vse

18. 3. 2011  |  7391 ogledov  |   povratna povezava  |  0 komentarjev

Customizing T3blog

Number of Views

To keep the number of views as realistic as possible, we should exclude at least our indexing engine, e.g., Mnogosearch. We can do that with an extra TypoScript definition and a small change in the function checkRiseViewNumber() that can be found in


Add the following code...

17. 3. 2011  |  20094 ogledov  |   povratna povezava  |  0 komentarjev

MnogoSearch optimization example


Mnogosearch plugin's manual suggests that tt_news articles should probably be indexed from the database. This is true for sites where you have only one single page or you don't mind that all search results point to the same single view page. If we wish that search results take into account the Single view page that is based on the first news...

1. 3. 2011  |  1239 ogledov  |   povratna povezava  |  0 komentarjev

Novi študentski projekti

Danes smo imeli na magistrskem študiju pri predmetu Mikroprocesorski sistemi predstavitev projektnih idej. Študentje so me prijetno presenetili in sledili mojemu predlogu, da si zastavijo individualne projekte. V naslednjih mesecih se bomo trudili uresničiti njihove relativno ambiciozne cilje. Delovni naslovi projektnih nalog:

Prenosno merilno...
« Marec 2011»
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Zadnje objave


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